Website for the premium interior paint brand Color 8. Together with the founders of the company, we went through the development of the corporate identity from the idea to the presentation of the product in the market. The web resource absorbed the main messages of the brand and freely conveys them to the viewer — bright, energetic and reliable as Color 8 coating!
Welcomes the user with an interactive preloader that responds to touch. Meditate on the colour endlessly — but let’s go see what’s behind it!
The design of the website is made the brand’s signature palette and is filled with dynamic modules. It is also based on photographs of the interiors of the founder of Color 8, interior designer Anna Gromova. Everything comes to life together and invites you into your own personal Wonderland!
The site is vivid and enveloping, like a friendly hug over your shoulders, which is a pleasure to pass the time while waiting for a interlocutor — you just flick through the palette, and a sparkle appears in your eyes, your heart is already bursting with creative ideas.
The Color 8 philosophy inspires you to colour your world, find the eighth colour of the rainbow and revisit all things Wes Anderson. The page about the company is a little more restrained in terms of colours, but as vivid as possible in terms of text. The brand idea is peppered with unexpected facts about the founders' lives. A page which, once you get to know it, you trust the brand with all your heart.
These paints, primers, all these cans are not a luxury, but a means of transport between reality and dream. A couple of projects with material from Color 8 and the alleyways between Tverskaya and Ostozhenka are indistinguishable from the streets of the Roman quarter.

The technologists assure us that there is so much titanium dioxide in the paint that its properties are excellent. We have no doubt that after seeing the web-site, for a couple of nights in a row, you will fall asleep with a strong desire to repaint the whole house!